Du coup, je n'ai aucune idée de la nature du sublime "Limited Edition" qui se trouve sur la plaque

Si j'ai des infos je vous ferais un p'tit débrief !
Pour en revenir au son, l'acajou ca m'a l'air d'etre un superbe compromis entre l'Erable et le Bouleau. Mais pour l'instant, je suis pas convaincu par les peaux installées. Je les changerais dès que j'aurais payé mes impots

A+ et merci encore pour vos commentaires super sympa.
EDIT: Voila j'ai un peu plus de détails, pour les anglophones (j'ai fait un rapide résumé en francais pour les autres

One of the biggest "buzzes" at the last Winter NAMM show was the introduction of Pearl's Masters Mahogany Classic, MHX. Full and fat sounding, they were an immediate hit with artists and dealers. Marvin "Smitty" Smith recently switched to MHX's on the Tonight Show and was immediately complemented by band members on its great sound. To paraphrase Marvin, "This came as a pleasant surprise because the band is tough to impress." So, what makes these drums special? One word: MAHOGANY!
The Masters Mahogany Classic are the only professional mahogany drums in the world today. However, mahogany drums are not new. American drum makers used Mahogany for decades and only since the middle '70's did maple become the prominent wood in drum manufacturing. Virtually all drum tracks recorded prior to this time featured mahogany drums...Ringo played mahogany drums on early Beatles songs.
There seems to be confusion, however, about mahogany, especially regarding price. Browsing our and other manufacturer's catalogs, reveals that almost all beginner and mid-range sets are made with mahogany. MHX's, on the other hand, are priced like professional maple sets. If they're all made from mahogany, why are the prices so different?
To answer this, you have to understand that there's mahogany and then there's MAHOGANY! Beginner and mid-range sets are made with Philippine mahogany. Philippine mahogany is an abundant and therefore relatively inexpensive wood. On the other hand, the Masters Mahogany Classics are made with African Mahogany. This is the real deal, the big Kahuna, the cat's meow. There are only three true mahoganies in the world and African mahogany is one of them. African mahogany doesn't come cheap thus explaining the price differences.
In the beginning of this section I mentioned older mahogany drums. I know I'm nitpicking but most of these drums were not mahogany, at least, not all the way through. Most vintage mahogany drums featured 3 ply shells made with mahogany and softer woods such as poplar. They were steam bent and joined at one seam. Maple glue rings were installed for strength and to help keep the drums round. This form of construction made the drums sound exceptionally warm. Unfortunately, by today's standards, the shells were not very rigid and they absorbed much of the sound; in other words, they weren't very loud.
The MHX's, on the other hand, feature 4 ply 100% African mahogany shells with 100% maple glue rings. They're formed using Pearl's exclusive Heat Compression Shell Molding System (HC/SMS) that assures tightly bonded and rigid shells. The combination of extra strength and 100% mahogany makes these drums "sing" loud and clear while still retaining the full, rich, warm "mahogany" tone.
Speaking of vintage mahogany drums, did you ever see the finish on these drums? Most had lots of pits and valleys where the finish didn't fill...that's because mahogany is very porous and very difficult to finish. Now look at the Masters Mahogany Classic...smooth as glass- you can practically comb you hair in the reflection. They're finished in Red Mahogany (#141)...elegant and classic for generations to enjoy.
Hopefully by now you're a little bit curious about the Masters Mahogany Classic's and want to check them out. That's good. I did my job. Bye. But seriously...they may be hard to find because they're limited edition. Ask you local authorized Pearl dealer to order a set (please be patient) and take them for a test drive. I think you'll feel as I do that they're worth the wait.
Voila en gros c'est de l'Acajou Africain de haute qualité (ca fait bien pub comme il faut ça!)...en 4 plis, donc des fûts fins à l'ancienne

Et en gros voila je pense qu'il n'y a qu'une seule serie Mahogany (je compte pas la référence qui est aussi en acajou !!!) et c'est la Limited Edition.