Nouvelle ZILDJIAN Complex Ride / Bill Stewart Sig.

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Messages : 1405
kuchnie na wymiar Dąbrowa Górnicza Chorzów Jaworzno
Inscription : dim. 13 nov. 2005, 17:07
Localisation : Saint-Raphaël
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Nouvelle ZILDJIAN Complex Ride / Bill Stewart Sig.

Message par RSD »

A en croire une rumeur sur CymbalHolic, une nouvelle série de "Complex Ride" devrait voir le jour chez Zildjian. Chouette ! 8)
CymbalHolic a écrit :Originally Posted by CHAD_ADMIN
They had the BS protos in 20"...22"...and 24". I played a few 24"s and quite a few 20"s. I really dug the 20"s mainly because I favor that size nowadays. The 24"s were monsters and a gas to play, strong stick, some roar, some trash, but...24 freakin' inches big. All of them, in each size, had the umbrella profile. I didn't really play or see the 22"S but I know they had some there. The 22" and 24"s each had the unlathed band on the bottom side on the outer edge, as well as the unlathed bottom-side of the bell. The 20" did not have any unlathed area. The bottoms of each of these were lathed with tha pass lathing...that wider, rougher lathing, whetever the proper name for it is. The tops all had the pin lathing. The big difference on them that was immediately noticeable was the cup/bell. Totally new bell design...lower profile, larger diameter (at least it seemed to be), but still a nice smooth transition into the bow of the cymbal.***

Messages : 1405
Inscription : dim. 13 nov. 2005, 17:07
Localisation : Saint-Raphaël
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Message par RSD »

From CymbalHolic a écrit :I saw Bill Stewart playing one at a master class in Seattle probably 4 months ago, and later that night w/Scofield. I asked him what was happening with it and he said he didn't know if Zildjian going to put it out or not. That was one beautiful sounding cymbal though, especially in his hands. Had a friend from a local music store call Zildjian recently and try to order one for me, or at least get some info, but they weren't talkin'. I've seen some prototypes on ebay, but they go fast. I've got a couple Dry Complex rides that I really like, looking forward to seeing this new version on the market.
24" :

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Inscription : lun. 4 juin 2007, 17:28
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Message par bishop91 »

Euh, je ne comprends pas tres bien l'anglais, ca veut dire quoi ? Pour quel jeu c'est fait ? Bas de gamme ou haut de gamme ?

Bongo Kaiser

Message par Bongo Kaiser »

Vu l'intérêt qu'elle suscite c'est de la bonne gamme oui ... Là tu as juste un gars qui raconte qu'il connait l'homme qui a vu l'homme qui a vu l'homme qui a vu l'homme qui a vu la cymbale. Qu'il a essayé de commander, que quelques protos ont apparemment circulé sur ebay ... qu'il a vu Bill Stewart en jouer une lors d'une master class à Seattle il y a 4 mois ... qu'elles sont de fort diamètre avec une cloche de forme inédite (plate et large) et que Loana est toujours en vie.


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